With this event, we want to introduce the Humanity Project. This project has set itself the task of organizing local gatherings throughout Germany in order to bring people together to discuss the realities of their lives, form support networks and become active locally. Previous meetings in Berlin, Leipzig, Nuremberg and Freiburg, for example, are presented together with the approaches, difficulties and successes. We are keen to hear outside perspectives, critical questions and constructive suggestions, as this project thrives on constant reflection and the exchange of different perspectives. The ideal of bringing together as many different milieus and realities of life as possible and becoming active together locally requires creative ideas, a willingness to learn and commitment. With this event, we hope to inspire people for the project and motivate them to participate.

    In an ecumenical service at the start of the semester, we want to use music, texts and prayers to reflect on the fact that we are all part of creation and at the same time have a special responsibility for creation. This will be followed by a communal dinner.

      As part of our KiezLichter project, we are inviting you to a free movie night at Tacheles. We will be showing the movie “Die Unbeugsamen”. Admission is from 7:30 pm and the movie starts at 8 pm. After the movie, we would like to use the evening to talk to interested people about our project. You can find out more about us at platzmachen.org/projekte/kiezlichter/ or on Instagram @kiezlichter. We look forward to seeing you there!

      The KiezLichter project offers residents of Hasselbachplatz the opportunity to watch films of different genres, themes and cultural backgrounds at least once a month free of charge and to discuss the films afterwards.

        Last Modification: 10.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster