Eco-Social University Days
Planning of the 12th Eco-Social University Days 2025
This year's Eco-Social University Days will be dedicated to social interaction and community in Magdeburg as part of a “Together Festival”. Based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we want to pursue the goal of “peaceful and inclusive societies” (SDG 16) and the “promotion of social, economic and political inclusion of all people” (SDG 10) from 10-17 June through exchange and cooperation between a wide variety of groups from Magdeburg. With a variety of food, music and events, hands-on activities, art and craft stalls, the aim is to create a common space for young and old, inside and outside the university.
To this end, we invite associations, initiatives and groups from Magdeburg to help shape the event. In this form you can introduce yourself and let us know what kind of event your initiative can imagine for the Together Festival.
You can also vote on the name of the festival!
What are the Eco-Social University Days (ÖSHT)?
The Eco-Social University Days are a series of events with the aim of creating theoretical knowledge of problems and practical knowledge for action, i.e. to sensitize people to various aspects of sustainable development and the major global challenges.
Many people already have a broad knowledge of the problems due to the almost constant media coverage. The ÖSHT should also highlight options and offer support on how this knowledge can be translated into practical action. It also facilitates exchange and further training on a specific topic and interpersonal networking.
The University Days were organized for the first time in 2014 and have been held annually ever since. Over the years, many people have been reached by the events. One tangible success that has developed from the University Days events, for example, is the founding of the OVGU Sustainability Office.