Progressive Introductory Weeks

PEW Logo 250x250Also this year there are in two October weeks from 14. - 27.10.2024 again numerous planned events, in which groups, initiatives and associations from Magdeburg present themselves and give insights into their commitment.

Thus again a multicolored and exciting program developed, with which it gives each day something different to discover, to hear and to immerse into the most different offers in Magdeburgs.

In the context of various open meetings, workshops, film screenings and reading evenings you can get an insight into the diverse engagement of different groups in the field of sustainability on an ecological, economic, but especially on a social level.

The coordination of the events and the public relations is done by the team of the sustainability office of the OVGU.

So feel free to drop by one or the other event and let yourself be infected by the commitment in the city and be part of it!

IMPORTANT: Registration for groups and initiatives is possible here via the form.

Last Modification: 04.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster