7:30 p.m. - “Right-wing extremist, the new normal? The AfD between ban and takeover” - reading with social scientist and right-wing extremism expert David Begrich from Miteinander e.V.

We would like to introduce you to the Solidarisches Magdeburg alliance at a reading and talk to social scientist and right-wing extremism expert David Begrich from Miteinander e.V. about the recently published anthology by Matthias Quent and Fabian Virchow (ed.).

“Since its foundation in 2013, the AfD has quickly built up a core electorate and now has a professional party apparatus. At the same time, an increasingly extreme right-wing course has prevailed. Social media platforms are used for polarization - again and again with fake news. The finances available to the AfD - mostly taxpayers' money - are used to attack democratic institutions and projects; the party's program formulates a völkisch model of society that is contrary to the Basic Law. In an effective alliance with disinformation campaigns, some of which have a foreign background, the extreme right is destroying democracy. In order to preserve it, a party ban can no longer be ruled out. This book brings together contributions from experts from academia, the media, civil society and politics and provides facts, arguments and recommendations for action for all those who want to find out more about the AfD and counter it.”

  • Organizer: Bündnis Solidarisches Magdeburg
  • Time: 7:30 p.m.
  • Place: Tacheles, Sternstraße 30
  • Languages: German, English

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